Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Ram Saver Professional Crack is a system optimization software specifically designed to free up RAM space and manage memory usage to boost computer speed and performance.

It works by proactively cleaning out inactive memory, stopping memory leaks, defragmenting your RAM, and intelligently managing apps that run on startup to prevent overloading your memory.

Key features include:

  • Automated RAM cleaning and optimization
  • Advanced memory monitoring and leakage prevention
  • Startup application management
  • Detailed system resources overview
  • Lightweight software designed not to drain RAM

By keeping your RAM usage optimized, Full version crack Ram Saver Professional Crack aims to speed up computer performance, reduce latency and crashing issues, and improve gaming FPS and graphics capability.

Key Features and Benefits

Automated RAM Cleaning and Optimization

Ram Saver Professional Crack continually monitors your RAM status and automatically clears out inactive cached data and apps when memory use gets too high. This prevents slow downs before they happen.

The software frees up space by:

  • Closing inactive, background apps not being used
  • Defragmenting and rearranging memory space
  • Stopping hidden memory leaks

Automating RAM cleaning ensures your computer always has resources available for active programs and games.

Advanced Memory Monitoring

Beyond just automated cleaning, Ram Saver Pro gives you an advanced glimpse into how your computer uses memory.

The system overview dashboard shows real-time RAM usage metrics so you can see what is actively occupying space. It also tracks days and times when RAM demands tend to peak so you can identify issues.

Advanced insight helps optimize where manual intervention may further help, especially for gamers and designers using RAM-intensive programs.

Ram Saver Professional Crack

Startup Application Management

Too many apps launching when you boot your computer can choke RAM and slow things down.

Ram Saver Pro lets you easily disable or fully delete auto-starting apps you don’t need to free up system resources. This streamlines boot times and saves memory capacity.

Lightweight Software

As a system utility designed to free up RAM, Ram Saver Professional is carefully designed to minimally impact memory itself.

It’s underlying processes take up less than 25 MB of active space. This prevents it from contributing to the very RAM issues that it aims to solve.

How Ram Saver Professional Works

The way Ram Saver Pro optimizes RAM usage and maximizes free space comes down to a few key processes:

Active Memory Monitoring

Ram Saver Pro’s software monitors applications and processes actively using RAM. This lets it identify which are vital background tasks vs. inactive programs safe to shut down or clean up.

Idle Background App Closing

Apps, browsers and software that sit idle in the background accumulate over time, eating up precious RAM.

Ram Saver Pro intelligently identifies and closes inactive apps not being used, freeing up space.

Memory Defragmentation and Optimization

Like hard drives can become fragmented over time, RAM can become disorganized, leading to memory allocation issues.

Defragmenting rearranges and cleans up memory space for faster access speeds and better performance.

Hidden Memory Leak Prevention

Software bugs can sometimes cause memory leaks – where RAM fails to release space from closed applications. This builds up over time, slowing down systems.

Proactively preventing these leaks keeps free space available for active programs.

By continually running in the background and intelligently taking care of these optimization tasks, Ram Saver Pro aims to boost computer speed.

Is Ram Saver Professional Safe?

Yes, when used properly, Ram Saver Professional Crack is safe optimization software for boosting system memory performance.

It does not delete or alter any vital system files. The processes it runs in the background to free up RAM usage are non-destructive.

Closing background apps accessed via Ram Saver Pro does not remove the actual programs or files. It only shuts the actively running instance. These apps can easily be restarted if needed.

Essential system processes are also automatically protected from being closed.

Overall Ram Saver Pro is designed to be harmless to your overall system when configuring the settings properly under the guidelines. Reputable sites like CNET have validated Ram Saver Pro’s safety across thousands of user downloads.

As with any system utility, it’s still advisable to create a system restore point before adjusting settings that actively manage running apps. This provides a rollback option from any unforeseen issues.

Ram Saver Professional Versions

Ram Saver Professional comes in two versions – a limited but free version, and a full-featured premium version.

Ram Saver Free

The free version provides baseline RAM cleaning functionality including:

  • Auto memory scans
  • Basic task killing processes
  • Startup app disabling

While the free version offers a glimpse into benchmarking and cleaning RAM, advanced functionality is disabled. It serves more as a trial version of the software.

Ram Saver Professional Crack

The Pro version enables the full suite of memory optimization features:

  • Fully automated RAM cleaning
  • Advanced memory leak prevention
  • Enhanced task killing efficiency
  • Multi-core processing utilization
  • Real-time RAM usage benchmarking

Additional Pro version perks include:

  • No ads or software bundles
  • Priority customer email support
  • All future software updates


Ram Saver Professional is available under three pricing tiers:

Plan Price
1 Year $22.95
3 Years $29.95
Lifetime $39.95

The developer occasionally offers discounts around 30% off these listed prices during seasonal sales.

Overall the very affordable pricing combined with the potential boost in computer speed and performance make Ram Saver Pro well worth considering.

How to Use Ram Saver Professional Crack

Using Ram Saver Professional Free download to optimize your PC RAM usage only takes a few steps once installed:

Initial Configuration

When first launching Ram Saver Pro Crack, you’ll be prompted to select auto-optimization preferences:

  1. Choose auto memory scan frequency
  2. Pick how aggressively to free up RAM when thresholds hit
  3. Configure AutoStop settings upon system idle

Setting more aggressive auto-freeing of RAM generally yields better performance, as long as system stability remains reliable.

Manual vs Automatic Cleaning

Alongside automatic cleaning you configure, pressing “Optimize RAM Now” will manually clear memory based on your settings anytime a speed boost is needed.

The software intelligently identifies the best process to close or clean up to free space.

Reviewing System Resources

Inside ‘System Resources Control Panel’, Ram Saver Pro lets you see precisely which processes and apps are using up RAM. You can also easily disable or fully delete startup items here.

Getting familiar with this view allows smarter configuration of auto-cleaning behaviors.

Memory Optimization for Gaming

Gamers can toggle on the built-in “Game Mode” to aggressively free up as much RAM space as possible when playing games. This prevents FPS drops and graphical lag due to overwhelmed memory.

Does Ram Saver Professional Improve Gaming FPS?

For gamers, one of the promises Ram Saver Professional makes is increased frames per second (FPS) in games by freeing up precious RAM required for smooth graphics rendering.

The concept makes sense – more available memory means the graphics card and GPU can process at optimal speeds. And cleaning processes can run in the background while gaming without drag on performance.

But does real-world testing back up the claims of better FPS?

Anecdotal evidence from gamers posted in communities like Reddit are overwhelmingly positive:

“I had FPS drops in Apex Legends down to 45 fps making the game unplayable. As soon as I used Ram Saver Pro and rebooted FPS jumped back up to 80+ at Ultra settings. It made a huge difference and now the game runs incredibly smooth”

The numbers shared range widely based on hardware and settings, but after using Ram Saver Pro, reported FPS boosted 20-100% across popular titles like Fortnite, Valorant, Warzone, Ark and Escape from Tarkov.

The software clearly has a tangible impact optimizing RAM usage that directly feeds through to better game performance. Just be sure to toggle on the dedicated game mode.

What Users Are Saying About Ram Saver Pro

With over 3 million total downloads and 63,000+ Facebook community members, Download free Ram Saver Professional Crack has a considerable user base. What do all those reviews and reactions add up to?

Overall user sentiment towards Ram Saver Pro is overwhelmingly positive. Capterra, TrustPilot, and Softpedia all show 4+ star ratings out of 5.

Common feedback themes include:

  • Speeds up overall computer performance – System runs faster with more free RAM capacity.
  • Fewer crashing & freezing issues – Stabilizes games and programs demanding lots of memory.
  • Smoother gaming performance – For players, better FPS with fewer grinding lags.
  • Lightweight software – Small system footprint unlike some bloated antivirus suites.
  • Great customer support – Developer is very responsive in community forums.

The spikes in positive sentiment reflect Ram Saver Pro’s ability to deliver a snappier computing experience once actively cleaning up RAM usage – exactly as intended.

The main complaints stem from users noticing no change after installing. But that scenario almost always points to configuring settings too conservatively. Aggressive auto-optimization is needed to see meaningful speed boosts.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Your computer only ever has a fixed amount of RAM available. And a full memory capacity inevitably leads to freezing, crashing and delays as critical background processes fight for the scraps left over.

Ram Saver Professional ensures you get every last drop of speed and performance out of your system’s memory by intelligently taking out the trash whenever it piles up.

Allowing the app to aggressively yet safely defragment and clean your RAM automatically in the background lifts the performance burden so your games and creative programs can shine.

If you notice persistent system slow downs or lag when gaming or using RAM intensive software, Ram Saver Professional is an affordable one click solution to maximize speed from your existing hardware.

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